Dr. Capiola’s approach to musculoskeletal injury involves comprehensive care with active involvement by the patient
He earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree at Harvard College and completed his Medical Degree at Georgetown University’s School of Medicine. He completed his residency at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital.
He has served as a team physician for the Boston Celtics and has published and lectured on numerous topics of injuries and treatments that involve the shoulder, knee, ankle, and elbow.
Medical Degree, Bachelor of Arts
69th St
Bronx Cabatu
HEASC @ 54 Dean
Lenox Hill Hospital
Livingston Physical Medicine @ Astoria
A breakthrough in Virtual Reality came with the development of a head-mounted display with two tiny stereoscopic screens positioned just a few inches in front of the eyes. The most popular VR system is one designed by field pioneer, Jaron Lanier (1989). The system features a head-mounted display called the EyePhone. Users also wear a DataGlove that generates movement and interaction in the virtual environment--estimated system price: $205,000