The human brain is an organ that serves as the command center for the human nervous system. Similar to other organs and muscles in the human body, the brain must be fed by vitamins and nutrients in order to be stimulated and to function properly. It also requires regular exercise for strengthening. Yes! Your brain needs exercise. To keep your brain healthy, include these superfoods and brain exercise regimes into your lifestyle:

The human brain is an organ that serves as the command center for the human nervous system. Similar to other organs and muscles in the human body, the brain must be fed by vitamins and nutrients in order to be stimulated and to function properly. It also requires regular exercise for strengthening. Yes! Your brain needs exercise. To keep your brain healthy, include these superfoods and brain exercise regimes into your lifestyle:

Blueberries, also often referred to as “brainberries”, are packed with goodies. These bite size fruits are full of vitamins and high antioxidant values. Not only are antioxidants an excellent source for brain oxygenation, they also reduce the risk of chronic disease such as high blood pressure and diabetes. The next time you’re in your neighborhood supermarket, be sure to put these in your cart.

Wild Salmon is loaded with nutrition and health benefits, including omega-3 essential fatty acids. These fatty acids optimize many facets of brain function from memory to cognition. They are essential in infant brain and eye development during pregnancy. They also reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Additional nutritional ingredients in Wild salmon include Vitamins A, D, B6, and E, along with calcium, iron, and zinc.

Increase your Vocabulary by learning a few new words daily. This will stimulate and exercise the language portion of your brain. Use a dictionary, or search the web for complex English vocabulary.

Reading is a great basic brain exercise. Whether you’re reading newspapers, magazines, or books, reading will stimulate and challenge your brain. The harder the text, the more challenging it will be for your brain.

Eggs contain an essential micronutrient called Choline. Choline is officially recognized as a required nutrient needed in an everyday meal plan. It plays an important role in the function of neurotransmitters in the human brain. In short, it optimizes your memory and brain function.

Nuts and Seeds are an excellence source of vitamin E, which combats cognitive decline as age increases. Add an ounce a day of walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds and/or almond butter to your daily diet. Both raw and roasted versions are good for the brain, but raw is a better option for the sodium conscious individual.

Dark Chocolate is known for being a sweet treat, but believe it or not it has nutrients that are excellent for brain health. It contains several natural stimulants including caffeine, which enhance focus and concentration. Caffeine also stimulates the production of endorphins, which improves mood.

*** All superfoods should be consumed in moderation.***

*The recommendations and information on this website is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. Do not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting a medical professional. Consult your doctor with any questions or concerns you may have. *