Our foot takes the whole weight of our body. As we start aging, our joints experience more wear and tear which eventually, leads to thinning of the skin making it more fragile. The common podiatry disorder is Achilles Tendonitis, Adult Flatfoot, Athletes Foot, Hallux Limitus, Bunion Deformity, Calluses & Corns, Gout, Hammertoes.
As we start aging, our joints experience more wear and tear which eventually, leads to thinning of the skin making it more fragile. In long run, it may cause problems in mobility and exercising. If not taken care of, it may lead to greater problems in the future such as arthritis. It may henceforth, become difficult to heal.

Most Common Podiatry Disorders

The common Podiatry  disorders that can find easily in people are:

Athlete's foot

The Athlete's foot is a fungal infection of the skin. It usually found between the toes. It most commonly caused by walking in damp areas.  The infection can spread and cause significant discomfort, itching, and even pain.


When a bump is developed on the feet on large toe point it is called Bunions. It occurs due to wearing the tight and narrow footwear.

Diabetic neuropathy

People with diabetes are more prone to foot diseases. There are many diseases that can cause damage to the feet due to diabetes.

Ingrown toenails

When the toenail starts to grow into the nail groove it is known as Ingrown toenails. They cause discomfort and significant pain, and they may become infected if left untreated.

Hammer's toe

Hammertoes can occur due to the result of tendon imbalances and it often develops painful corns.

Heel pain

Heel pain is a most common problem of the feet. The main heel pain cause includes the injury, infection, arthritis and soft tissue inflammation of tendons.


Neuromas are a very painful situation. Neuromas occur when there is a painful thickening of sensory nerves, present between the third and fourth toes of the foot.

Claw Toe

Claw toe or claw foot, is when the first toe joint points up and the second toe joint points down. It can be painful.

The other common podiatry disorder that occurs is:
  • Achilles Tendonitis

  • Adult Flatfoot

  • Hallux Limitus

  • Calluses & Corns

  • Gout

  • Plantar Fibromas

  • Metatarsal Stress Fracture

  • Neuroarthropathy

  • Orthotics

  • Heel Spurs

  • Arch Pain

  • Posterior Tibial Tendonitis

  • Plantar Fasciitis

  • Sever's Disease

  • Sesamoiditis

  • Skin Disease

  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome

  • Warts


The best way is to visit a nearby podiatrist and ask for a check-up. Furthermore, there are few ways that can reduce the pain and may even help in curing.

Exercising is considered as one of the best actions in treating aging foot. It stimulates blood circulation and helps to keep feet healthy.

As we age, it is necessary that we choose a suitable and comfortable footwear for ourselves. The common myth surrounding this fact is the use of slippers which is preferred by a majority of people. But the truth is, a pair of running shoes is best suited for your feet. It is roomy enough and provides support to the whole body weight.

Treatment depends on what type of foot you have and thus, the degree of treatment may vary. However, the common treatment methods could be :

  • The person got the athlete's foot in a gym, shower, or pool where people walk around barefoot.

  • Wearing tight or narrow shoes

  • Having a family history of bunions high blood sugar levels can damage the nerves, especially those in the feet.

Symptoms of podiatry problems

  • itching, cracking, blistering, and peeling of the feet occurs in athlete's feet

  • Visible bump on the side of the foot

  • Tenderness on or around the big toe

  • Difficulty moving the big toe

  • Pain in the big toe when walking

  • In diabetic neuropathy, the usual numbness, tingling, and pain occur in the feet.

  • The Ingrown toenails can cause redness, swelling, pain.


Retention of moisture is one of the necessary conditions while treating this disease. Use of fungal sprays or cream may help in the aid.

Maintain hygienic conditions. Wash your feet with cold water and use a clean towel to dry it.

  • Wear proper fitting shoes to avoid bunions

  • Applying ice for 10-minutes to reduce inflammation.

  • Maintaining good health and blood sugar control

  • A person suffering from diabetes should go for a routine checkup.

  • Diabetic Foot Care

  • Diabetic Foot Screening

  • Washing the feet with antibacterial soap

  • Keeping the feet clean and dry.

  • Cut the toenails straight crosswise after a shower

  • Avoiding cutting the nails in a rounded pattern