Physical therapy or Physiotherapy is the treatment of disorders and injuries through exercise, massage, and body manipulation. Physiotherapy is an integral part of the healing process especially when we are physically in our most vulnerable state.
The physical therapy is very important for Cardiovascular and pulmonary health. It helps for the proper movement of the muscles and body. The physical therapy is best for the treatment of neurology, sports physical therapy, orthopedics, pediatrics and women’s health.  Health for older people is also treated well with the help of physical therapy.

Types of physical therapy

With the help of physical therapy, a person can regain the movement and strength after an injury or illness.

  • Orthopedic physical therapy

It treats musculoskeletal injuries, fractures, tendonitis, sprains, chronic medical problems, and rehabilitation or recovery from orthopedic surgery.

  • Geriatric physical therapy

It treats arthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease, hip and joint replacement, balance disorders, and incontinence.

  • Neurological physical therapy

It treats brain injury, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injury, and stroke.

  • Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation

It treats the cardiopulmonary conditions and surgical procedures.

  • Pediatric physical therapy

Diagnose, treat, and manage conditions that affect infants, children, and adolescents.

Disorders that benefit from Physiotherapy

1)    Musculoskeletal Dysfunction(MSD)

Back pain, joint disorders, muscle disorders, torn ligaments, and tendons all come under MSDs. These could arise because of age, lack of proper exercise, injury from sport or heavy lifting etc.

Some of the more notable and painful disorders include:

•    Tendonitis

•    Mechanical Back Syndrome

•    Ruptured Discs

•    Ligament Sprain

•    Tension Neck Syndrome

2)    Cardiopulmonary  Conditions

Any disorder that affects the heart (cardio) and the lungs (pulmonary) fall in this category.

Smoking, obesity, genetic conditions all factor in for these conditions to take over.

Though not all Cardiopulmonary Conditions can be helped with physiotherapy, a handful of them can and patients that adhere to therapeutic methods often come out healthier.

Cardiopulmonary Disorders include:

•    Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder

•    Cystic Fibrosis

•    Post-myocardial infarction

3)    Pediatric Conditions

Pediatric conditions are disorders that target children and their growth. Often times, physiotherapy after being diagnosed at an early age ends up being quite effective since children's growth hormones will play a major factor in helping them overcome their diseases. So proper treatment can provide massive results.

Some of the diseases that plague children and require intense physiotherapy (along with other medical support) include:

•    Development delay

•    Cerebral Palsy

•    Muscular Dystrophy

•    Spina Bifida

4)    Obstetrics and Gynaecological Conditions

Women especially during and after pregnancy have a hard time managing with the changes happening to their body. Physiotherapy is a great way for them to regain control over their body, find relief and relaxation and be able to deliver without worry of the conditions during childbirth.

These conditions are limited in number but they’ve affected and continue to do so in a lot of women. They include:

•    Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

•    Urinary Incontinence

•    Lymphedema

5)    Neurological conditions

Diseases that affect the brain, spine, and nerves are classified as Neurological disorders.

There are hundreds of neurological diseases and not all of them benefit from physiotherapy but a lot do and this has to do with the fact that the ones physiotherapy targets are the diseases that inhibit a person from performing certain motor functions.

These targeted diseases include:

•    Stroke

•    Spinal Cord Injuries

•    Parkinson’s disease

•    Multiple Sclerosis

•    Vestibular Dysfunction

•    Traumatic Brain Injuries

Treatment through physical therapy 

Therapists work with you for treatment. It includes personal goals like functioning well in daily lives, feeling better, exercises and many more.

Patients may take time according to their body because everybody is different. Patients need time to reach goals during their treatment period. Some may have more or fewer sessions than the other patients. This depends on the requirement of your body’s capability.

  • Heat therapy is used to improve circulation, provide pain relief and relax the injured tissues.

  • Cold therapy includes icing. Icing helps to decrease pain and control inflammation. Ice is used to limit swelling around injured tissues.

  • Massage is used to decrease pain, muscle tension, and improve circulation

  • Ultrasound for easing the pain of muscles, promoting blood flow, reducing strain and sprain.

  • Exercises and stretches to improve strength, flexibility as guided by physical therapists

  • Phonophoresis that uses ultrasound to provide medications like topical steroids. It can reduce inflammation.

  • Rehabilitation to make you learn about using an artificial limb

  • Practice with gadgets to learn and help in moving and stay balanced

  • Electrical stimulation is the therapy that uses topical electrodes on the skin. It decreases the pain of the damaged tissues and enhances functional capabilities.

  • Light therapy, this therapy includes lasers and special lights that are used to treat medical conditions

  • Traction is the treatment that decreases pain in the spine.

Benefits of physical therapy

The benefits that are provided  to our body are:

  • Pain management with reduced need for opioids

  • Recovery from injury or trauma

  • Improved balance

  • Recovery from stroke or paralysis

  • It avoids surgery

  • Improved mobility and movement of the body

  • Fall prevention

  • Management of age-related medical problems

The physical therapy helps the person to strengthen specific parts of the body and full flexibility to the body and muscles. Physical therapists watch progress and change treatments as needed.